
We are always on the lookout for training providers that would like to become an ICSRM Approved Training Provider. By becoming an ATP, you can allow your candidates to take the Institute of Customer Service and Relationship Management certification courses. The courses that we provide can be located within the certification section of our website.

To become an ICSRM Approved Training Provider, simply register with us by filling the contact information below. Once you have done this we’ll send you a confirmation email and you can start the process.

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Our Membership is open to every career and even more important to anyone involved in the service industry. It is a mark of commitment to customer service and brings real career benefits.

We have members drawing from a wide variety of areas and professions including public sector, aviation and aerospace, business and management, transport and logistics, maritime, military and engineering, manufacturing and production, science and technology, art and fashion and lots more.

We are constantly working to improve and develop benefits for our membership, below are just some of the benefits you would enjoy as a member of  ICSRM

Give a plus to professionalism by being a member

  • Members will receive a certificate and lapel of membership.
  • Members receive a free ICSRM report published twice a year
  • Members will have access to a wide range of relevant resources for learning and research.
  • Members can manage their membership and pay their fees online, as well as access exclusive news articles and even reviews
  • 15% discount on the full range of our Training Solutions courses and events.
  • Training Mark eligibility to have your own organisational customer service programme accredited.
  • Discounted Institute’s Customer Service Management Qualification.
  • The ability for users to submit questions, comments and their own research
  • Discounted rate to attend The Institute’s Annual Conference
  • Please note some of the benefits above are available to members in the UK only